Recreation Board Members

Members include:
School District (SD)
NE Township (TWP)
NE Borough (B)

Joe Cancilla (SD)
Kim Daughrity (SD)
Eric Riedel (SD)


LeeAnn Parmarter-Seevers, President (TWP)
Deanna Walk (TWP)
Fritz (GW) Holzhausen (TWP)


Suzanne Kitts (B)
Jim Weinheimer, Treasurer (B)
Mike Dunlavey, Jr (B)

General Information

North East Township maintains the Gravel Pit Park, located at 10300 West Main Road and shares the ownership and maintenance of Halli Reid Park (Freeport Beach) which is located at the foot of Freeport Road with the Borough of North East.  The Fuller Hose Fire Company leases the Gravel Pit Park from the Township and holds such events as the Cash Bash and the Wine Country Harvest Festival each year.  Gravel Pit Park has picnic pavilions, public restrooms, a playground, and basketball courts. Halli Reid Park has picnic facilities, a public beach, restrooms, and a playground.  In 2003, the township purchased the former Penn/York resort, 27 acres of lakefront property adjacent to 20-Mile Creek, just west of the New York border on Route 5.  The North East Township Community Conservation Park is a green space featuring a walking area, beach front to enjoy the great sunsets known to our area and parking access for visitors and fishermen.


The North East Township Community Conservation Park

***Hours are Dawn to Dusk***
NO Camping
NO Fires
NO Lifeguards

ADA Fishing Pier at North East Conservation Park